The Future of Supply Chain Expense Management is Now!

Hospital Value Analysis Tools

“Every so often an idea, innovation, invention, and revolution appear in the marketplace that changes the game forever. We call these breakthroughs ‘Game Changers’ or the rules or variations that change the game enough that a new or different game emerges.”

Healthcare organizations are now facing big challenges in lower revenues, more patients and value-based purchasing to name a few. How can supply chain professionals meet these challenges when their price savings are slowly disappearing? The simple answer is Supply Utilization Management that can open up a whole new world of supply chain savings that you never knew existed.

The Future of Supply Chain

Real Hospital Savings with Utilizer

No Longer a Theory

Supply Utilization Management  is no longer a theory or hypothesis. Our intensive research, comprehensive studies, and hundreds of client engagements over the last 15 years have proven beyond a doubt that Supply Utilization Management is a new disciple that all supply chain professionals need to master if their healthcare organizations are to continue to achieve double digit supply chain savings in the future.

It’s Time to Innovate

A few years ago, we met for an introductory meeting with a new materials manager at one of our Utilizer® Dashboard client hospitals whom we have been servicing with our Value Analysis Analytic services for 10 years.

The agenda for this meeting was for us to demonstrate our Utilizer® Dashboard and talk about the value analysis coaching and training we have been providing under our subscription service. However, this discussion soon spun off in another direction when this materials manager stated to us, without prompting, that supply chain management today “is all about utilization management”, not about price. Naturally, this was music to our ears, so we asked him why he believed this to be true.

Utilizer 5-Step Savings Model

Better Time Investment

He then said that he had found, after decades as a materials manager, that it was a waste of time  for him to haggle with his vendors to save a few pennies off his expense budget when his GPO contracts achieve 98% of the savings available on price for his hospital.

On the other hand, if he invested the same amount of time in uncovering, investigating, and implementing his utilization misalignments he could save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.  

The Rest of The Story

This materials manager didn’t know us, our products, or our services before our meeting, but we found ourselves on the same page with him before the meeting was over. 

It’s no surprise to us that more and more materials managers are thinking and acting the same way as this supply chain professional when it comes to reducing their supply chain expenses.

See the Light

They are letting their GPOs do what they do best, reduce their acquisition cost, thereby freeing up their time so they can focus on utilization misalignments where their best supply chain savings opportunities reside.

Take Action

If you, too, see your price savings disappearing, now is the time to request a FREE “test drive” of our Utilizer® Dashboard at:      

A Software-As-A-Service brought to you by Strategic Value Analysis in Healthcare, Skippack, Pennsylvania

27-Years as a Trusted Leader in Supply Value Analysis and Utilization Savings Strategies